Apart from the World Cup in Klingenthal, next weekend the ski jumpers will be competing in the Continental Cup in Ruka (HS142), in Women's Continental Cup and in Men's FIS Cup in Notodden (HS98). We know who will represent Poland during these competitions.
Five ski-jumpers will represent Poland during the second week of the Continental Cup 2019/202 in Ruka. Maciej Maciusiak, the coach, decided to choose Kacper Juroszek, Tomasz Pilch, Andrzej Stękała, Paweł Wąsek and Aleksander Zniszczoł.
Coach Łukasz Kruczek announced that in the inauguration of the Women's Continental Cup, which also takes place this week, Poland will be represented by Nicole Konderla, Wiktoria Przybyła, Kinga Rajda, Joanna Szwab and Anna Twardosz. It will be the first competition of the winter season for the polish competitors.
Stanisław Ciszek, Mateusz Gruszka, Szymon Jojko, Jarosław Krzak, Adam Niżnik and Kacper Stosel will go to Notodden, Norway, where they will compete during the first contest of this season's FIS Cup.
Article translated from Polish: https://www.skijumping.pl/wiadomosci/27193/kadry-polski-na-pk-w-ruce-oraz-pk-pan-i-fc-w-notodden/