In 2017, a group of ski jumping fans from Poland called 'inSJders' discovered that a K35 hill had been built in Masikryong, North Korea. This discovery made everyone believe that this was the very begining of ski jumping in this country. But on December 2019 the picture has completely changed. During the presentation of the "brand new perfect town” by the dictator Kim Yong Un, observators from Poland realized there's a shape of an abandoned ski jumping facility on the ski hill near the city center.

The finding was confirmed by a satellite view shortly after. According to the information collected by fans, a 90-meter ski jumping hill in Samjiyŏn, North Korea was built sometime around 2003. It is possible that later the citizen decided that it was too big for teaching beginners and juniors how to jump, so they opened a smaller, 35-meter hill at the same outrun, on the left side, and the tiniest K15 next to it. Additionally, big stands for spectators were constructed – they looked a bit similar to the one's present on the famous Okurayama in Sapporo. Unfortunately, nowadays these cannot even be seen well due to trees and bushes growing on the slope. The latest satellite view (2019) shows the whole facility is closed.
"We didn't know about these before. Nobody from North Korea has never asked us about anything ski jumping related," said the World Cup Race Director, Walter Hofer, in an interview for the Polish newspaper "Przegląd Sportowy”. Due to the lack of information from North Korea, it is extremely difficult to establish whether the PRK athletes in fact trained and competed in Samjiyŏn, or not.


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