The third stop of this year's World Cup took place in Nizhny Tagil, Russia. Changing wind conditions and a surprise victory were garanties for exciting competitions.
On the first day of competition, Yukyia Sato from Japan surprises everyone and was able to celebrate his first World Cup victory of his career. After the first run, the 24-year-old was still in seventh place, but in the final he started to catch up with a jump to 132m.
German Karl Geiger and Austrian Philipp Aschenwald landed on the podium behind Sato. However, Peter Prevc from Slovenia, who was still leading at half time, dropped back to eighth place due to difficult conditions. In the German team, Stephan Leyhe (10th place) collected World Cup points for the first time in the season. Only Markus Eisenbichler missed the second run with only 0. 1 points behind. In the Austrian team, record World Cup winner Gregor Schlierenzauer returned to the top of the world again and narrowly missed the podium in fourth place.